version 0.1.11 (31-March-2007): * Fix a typo in SexyUrlLabel that was causing the widget to never be marked as unmapped, which prevented it from re-mapping the event window when the widget was shown again. (Bugs #364030 and #353946) * Fixed the cursors to properly indicate whether the text was selectable. * Get rid of the unused SexyTooltipPriv structure to fix building on Solaris. (Bug #378066) * Remove some debug output from SexyIconEntry and SexyTreeView. (Bug #355129) version 0.1.10 (5-September-2006): * Fixed a crasher when calling sexy_icon_entry_set_icon() before the widget is realized. (Bug #354149) version 0.1.9 (2-September-2006): * Fixed a bug where the cursor position in a SexySpellEntry would change if the position was at the end of the entry and word was replaced. * Fixed a few enchant-related bugs in SexySpellEntry. * Fixed our GModule loading for enchant to let glib figure out the proper file extension, rather than hard-coding ".so". * Fixed some uninitialized variables when creating the icon windows for SexyIconEntry that were causing valgrind to complain. Patch by Benjamin Otte. (Bug #349701) * Fixed a bug in SexyIconEntry where the caret would be invisible at the start of the entry when no icon was shown. Patch by Ed Catmur. (Bug #353671) * Fixed a bug with SexyToolTip positioning in treeviews without headers where the tooltips would immediately disappear when shown at the bottom of the screen. (Bug #333424) * Fixed a linking bug when building on win32. Patch by Steffen Eschenbacher. (Bug #351796) version 0.1.8 (18-March-2006): * Fixed compilation on gcc 2.95. Patch by Jens Granseuer. (Bug #334784) * Fixed the type-punned pointer warning when grabbing symbols from libenchant. * Fixed to try to open before trying This allows people to use spell checking without requiring the devel package on most distros. version 0.1.7 (15-March-2006): * Fixed some final licensing issues with the iso-codes. * Fixed selectable text in SexyUrlLabel. This fixes bug #329441. * Fixed spell checking on words in SexySpellEntry that contain wide characters. (Bug #325684) * Fixed SexySpellEntry to only check for spelling if one or more dictionaries are loaded. (Bug #330733) * Fixed SexySpellEntry to only activate languages from $LANGUAGE that enchant thinks it has a dictionary for. This prevents a discrepancy between the active languages and the list of languages that SexySpellEntry reports as having dictionaries. (Bugs #331666, #331669) * Fixed a potential crash in sexy_spell_entry_set_checked(). (Bug #331196) * Fixed potential crashes when certain SexySpellEntry functions were called when no text was entered. (Bug #331325) * Added sexy_spell_entry_set_languages(). (Bug #329846) * Added sexy_spell_entry_get_active_languages(). (Bug #331340) * Added sexy_spell_entry_activate_default_languages(). (Bug #331778) * Renamed sexy_spell_entry_set_languages() to sexy_spell_entry_set_active_languages(). version 0.1.6 (5-February-2006): * Added API for disabling spell checking in SexySpellEntry. * Added a SexyTooltip widget for providing custom widget content in a tooltip look-alike. * Added a SexyTreeView widget that provides per-cell tooltips. * Fixed some small bugs involving widget alllocation and requisition and and such in SexyUrlLabel. * Fixed some C99 compilation issues. * Fixed some copyright headers that were specifying the wrong license. * Require a newer version of iso-codes in order to fix a possible licensing issue. * Improved the documentation. version 0.1.5 (24-December-2005): * Made Enchant into a run-time dependency. * Fixed a reference issue when assigning an icon to a SexyIconEntry. In bindings like the Python bindings, where a garbage collector exists, the lack of referencing the icon was causing crashes. * Fixed a couple of crash bugs in populate_popup in SexySpellEntry, such as when there are no words in the entry. * Fixed a few memory leaks. version 0.1.4 (9-November-2005): * Fixed several UTF-8 bugs in SexySpellEntry. * Fixed a compile issue where sexy-marshal.h wasn't generated. version 0.1.3 (14-October-2005): * Fixed several bugs in SexyIconEntry. * Added support for icons on both sides of a SexyIconEntry. * UrlLabel can now wrap to any width, thanks to the logic in libview. * Fixed several other bugs. version 0.1.2 (22-July-2005): * Added SexySpellEntry, a GtkEntry subclass that provides inline spell checking. version 0.1.1 (14-July-2005): * Escaped text is now passed through as escaped in sexy_url_label_set_markup() so that the underlying GtkLabel doesn't get invalid markup. * Prevent pango warnings in sexy_url_label_set_markup() when the attribute list is NULL. version 0.1.0 (13-July-2005): * Initial release.